
Avada wordpress theme have made more than $2.3 Million from themeforest in 21 months !


As you all know, wordpress theme business is one of the hot cakes in the web industry . I’ve written reviews about wordpress themes here in dollarfry. Check the Sahifa WordPress theme review. So how much you thought you can make from a single WordPress theme?  Here I am bringing out the story of the most successful WordPress theme in themeforest. Avada, created in August 12 2014 is still...

How to Start a Real Estate/Property Listing Website within 100 Dollars


We all know “Real Estate and Property” are a lucrative business with lots of possibilities. All over the world there is need for property and land for various purposes. In big cities, people demand housing in the form of villas,flats and apartments. They seek properties either for rent or for buying it as an investment. Businesses usually seek properties for their office needs...

Why you should start your online business in WordPress?


1. Very easy Admin side Its very easy to manage your stuffs in the wordpress admin. Basically all the stuffs inside wordpress are based on the basic posts concept. This makes it easy for the administrator to manage all the admin side of the site. You just need to understand the purpose of custom posts and custom taxonomies. Custom Posts – Assume that you got two products, 1. Food and 2...

How to make custom posts and assign custom categories(taxonomies) to it in wordpress?


We can use custom posts and categories, so that we can customize wordpress as we like . If you are attempting to build a real estate website using wordpress, it would be great if you have something like properties and property categories rather than post and categories right? Thats what we are attempting to achieve here. Complete Code add_action( 'init', 'eventcustom_init' ); function...
