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Why is it important to reply to your blog comments ? 6-Reasons


One of the biggest mistakes committed by a blogger would be not replying to his comments. Why is it really important? 1. Replying to comments is the best way to get returning visitors. We can categorize the visitors of a blog into two. a. Who do have Relation with your blog b. Who doesn’t have a relation with your blog By relation what I meant is like something, Once a user posted a comment...

How to Hide Contents & Folders Inside a Parent or Root Web Directory


In some cases, you will be required to hide folders and contents inside a root/parent web directory in order to prevent others from accessing your confidential directories and the files inside them. If you are little confused with the scenario, let me explain. Consider a case in which your website has a sub domain and several sub directories inside that sub domain. In a real life scenario, assume...

Top 10 E-Commerce Sites in the World Based on Visitors – Updated LIst of 2022


We’ve seen how e-commerce has evolved in this 21st century. Amazon started was started in Jeff Bezo’s warehouse in 1994. Now, when it comes to 2022, Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world worth $113 Billion and amazon has around 750,000 employees all over the world.  So who all are the other biggest eCommerce players in the world? Let us have a look at the top 10 eCommerce...

How can you guide an aimless(confused) customer to a successful checkout?


Customers for an e-commerce store are of different types as I have explained in my previous posts. Here I am going to explain about the scenario where a customer doesn’t know what he need. Your store do have multiple products and what he intend is to buy something from your store. How can you guide him to a successful checkout ? How can you make his way easier? Lets have a look Being more...
